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Marketing Tomfoolery

Authored by Sai Kiran Kadari | Club Executive Member

Brands & April Fools

April 1st, a date that people either love or hate. A date where the meme “trust no one, not even yourself” comes into full effect. What is considered real, and what is fake?

Brands join in on this fun escapade to fool their target audiences for a little laugh. Some keep it light while others take it a bit further (without doing any real harm; no “it’s just a prank, bro!” Business”). Plus, a good joke is needed in the dire times we’re going through. Let’s take a look at some of these marketing pranks!

Burger King Taiwan - Burger! But with… Strawberry Sauce???

BK Taiwan posted this hilarious yet off-putting “menu item” on April Fool’s Day. Burger, a savory item cherished by all. Strawberry, a fruit that’s as delicious as it looks. Combine them both and you have a disastrous recipe. Two goods don’t always make a right; in fact this makes pineapple on pizza look more appetizing! This item was available only till the 5th of April, 2022. Were you one of the (un)lucky customers to have tasted this?

IKEA Getting Into NFTs - Non-Furniture Treasure

IKEA Hong Kong came up with an incredibly creative competition for their April Fool’s campaign by launching NFTs (Non-Furniture Treasure), which is essentially trash left by IKEA customers at the store. Customers who take pictures of said NFTs and upload them to IKEA’s Facebook page will get a hot dog coupon (only given if said picture gets the most amount of likes). This was also used as a message to not litter in the store.

Intelligent Systems & Nintendo Launching Limited Edition “Fire Emblem: Three Houses” themed Tea Party set.

Playing with the fans’ hearts is indeed a cruel thing, but treating them every now and then is a blessing. The latter is exactly what Intelligent Systems, creator of the hit “Fire Emblem” series during April Fools. An elegant tea set based off of their latest game’s “tea time” feature was shown, called the “Fódlan Tea Break”, with pre-orders being open until 31st of May, 2022. Will this be the most expensive tea set due to scarcity? (Someone get one for me, please!)

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